Playing Hockey? Read This & Avoid Injury

Chiro Clinic Moncton prides itself on providing the Greater Moncton community with preventative advice to avoid injuries from occurring in the first place. As many children and adults gear up for the Hockey season, it's important that they understand the importance of warming up properly before jumping on that ice!
Sharpen your skates, replace damaged equipment, and be "head smart" by wearing an appropriate helmet with face protection. Never stretch a cold muscle aggressively. Instead, go for a light skate or walk before beginning your warm-up stretching routine. Be sure not to overstretch your muscles and avoid "bouncing" during any stretch as well.
Here's a great Pre-Play Stretching Routine, which is easy and effective!

If you are new to the game, it's a great idea to have a chiropractor assess you to make sure hockey is an appropriate fitness activity for you. And if you're an experienced hockey player, Chiropractic Check-Ups can optimise your muscle and joint function to avoid stiffness/soreness from occurring. Let us help you play at your best!
Be Safe & Have Fun!
Dr Ryan Coster - Chiro Clinic Moncton (506) 852-3900
29 Mountain Road, Moncton NB