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"Text Neck" - Moncton's Growing Problem

Greater Moncton is facing a new rising problem - TEXT NECK. With an increasing dependence on modern technology, we seem to spending prolonged periods of time on our devices, and with damaging posture.

Moncton chiropractors, physiotherapists, and massage therapists are seeing a plethora of patients seeking care for persistent neck pain as a result of this surge in handheld entertainment. It's important to remember that maintaining ideal posture when using your mobile phone or tablet could prevent unnecessary strain on the upper back and neck. The above infographic highlights extreme loads placed on the spine as your head tilts further forward.

Technology is here to stay, so let's adapt our posture! Sit up straight and avoid TEXT NECK.

29 Mountain Rd, Moncton NB

A combination of Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Massage Therapy yields optimal results!

Dr Ryan Coster Chiropractor

Marcel Melanson Physiotherapist

Dr Natasha Goudreau Chiropractor

Chelsea Coster RMT

Brooke Warman RMT

Brittany Melanson RMT

Jillian Spicer RMT

Janie Gagné-Arsenault RMT

Questions? Email us at

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